Sony vegas pro 13 render button greyed out free
No account yet? Movie Studio Zen is a fully independent site and all our content is free.❿ › VideoEditing › comments › chcxo6 › i_cant_press_the_. I can’t press the render button on Sony Vegas Pro about why a review video doesn’t have audio and it turns out their volume was off. PC video only to find that the Windows AVI render option is ‘greyed out’ in Vegas and the default renders are not recognised by Windows Media.
Nov 27, OfficialChill. Not the highest, because I’m on a limited monthly data plan I’m out in the sticks with wireless service! Second, we probably need to get some information about the media you are using in your project. The above list of available templates is what I usually see but, in this case and the whole reason for my original post , I am getting a shorter list as you can see from the list of available templates in my second post, above , with no drop down options to customise the template. I try to keep them short, 3 min reads max. I will read this to find out what would be the best camera setting 25p, 50p, 50i to produce output for Bluray.❿