Microsoft office outlook 2010 tips and tricks free
You can set up personalized signatures on your Outlook account. If someone sends a message to a Contact Group that you are a member of and the message would be better answered by someone else or another Contact Group, do the following:. You use a few categories to help you understand what context your tasks are. Amongversions or Outlook tips and tricks, there are plenty of email hacks to master time management:.❿
This email tip can be achieved by the following steps —. If you’re in a situation that calls for multitasking, clicking back and forth between Outlook views might slow you down. By default, Outlook uses semicolons, but you can change the divider to commas if you wish. Your Yahoo Mail account is not made for the web alone. Stay focused on your work by using Smart Lookup. Use keyboard shortcuts to quickly move emails. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website.
Especially on your phone, a cluttered inbox can be overwhelming to scroll through. Make it easier to quickly scan your email for what you need with a Focused Inbox. You can create the equivalent of two inboxes— Focused and Other. Then, toggle between the two with a simple slide of the button on top of your inbox. Plus, the more you use the Focused Inbox feature, the smarter it gets. It pays attention to how you sort your mail to better classify incoming messages and help you focus on what matters.
While you keep working on that within your organization, Outlook lets you take away the inefficiency of trying to schedule yet another meeting. With shared calendars in Outlook , go into your calendar settings and select people you would like to share, such as colleagues or friends.
Create an event on your calendar and add the people you want to invite. Then you can use the Scheduling Assistant time picker to drag and drop to a time on the calendar that turns green.
Book it! Even better, when other people mention you, the inbox displays the relevant sentences around your mention directly in your message excerpt. This feature lets you know at a glance what you need to heed. In a dating app, you swipe left or right to vote on a potential match. Well, you can be as decisive in your Outlook inbox too. Open Outlook mobile Settings and select Swipe Options.
You can assign Swipe Right or Swipe Left to a number of preferred actions:. Endlessly checking email can make us feel a little like lab rats. By turning off notifications from apps, so you can turn your attention to that meeting or report you need to finish. You can schedule a set do not disturb every afternoon before you leave for the day.
This way, a quiet period can help you get organized and ready for tomorrow. Or, you can start a timed do not disturb session that begins right away on as-needed basis. This technique lets you send emails to many recipients without showing their names or email addresses to everyone else the message is sent to. Integrate your Google or iPhone Calendar with your Outlook information. Set them up to sync with your Outlook calendar so all of your devices show the same events and appointments.
Create your own mailing lists in Outlook and easily send messages to groups of people. A do-it-yourself list works great for home users who don’t have access to a corporate distribution list. If your email, contacts, and calendars are in Outlook, create a backup of that information to make sure you don’t lose it if your hard drive crashes or Outlook stops working.
Create backup copies of your Personal Folders. Creating a backup is as easy as copying the file to a second location. When you start a new message in Outlook, the default account is the one that automatically determines which settings — the signature and the sending email address, for example — will be used. Set the default account when you have more than one account connected to Outlook. You don’t have to choose your favorite message format every time you create a new message.
Make your favorite settings your default in Outlook. If you have an email account that you use to back up your messages, or if you need to copy someone on every message you send, Outlook can automatically send a carbon copy of every message you compose to another email address. If you send a message with an attachment and Outlook won’t let you send it because the attachment exceeds some limit, adjust the Outlook attachment size limit.
Set the limit to match that of your email server so emails don’t bounce back as undeliverable. Making this change helps avoid unnecessary Outlook errors, too. Keep your contacts even if you leave Outlook behind.
If you save your Outlook contacts as a CSV file, you can easily import them elsewhere. It only takes a few steps to import contacts into Outlook. Then you can use those contacts to build the basis for a mailing list, for example. Outlook supports imports if the underlying file is a supported type, like a CSV document. The search capabilities in Outlook make it easy to find a message when you need it.
Creating an All Mail folder for all your messages makes it even easier — it’s a great way to create a unified inbox in Outlook. Tell Outlook to deliver a message on or after a certain date. Delayed sending is great for reminders, birthday wishes, and similar items you plan today but won’t send until some future date.
Make Outlook retain the original message source when it retrieves emails from the internet. Full headers are useful when troubleshooting a problem or if you need to prove some fact about the receipt of a message. Outlook makes editing received emails easy. Use this technique to adjust subject lines and other important information. Forward the full email and in the state in which you received it as an EML attachment in Outlook. This preserves all the metadata of the original message, which is useful especially in troubleshooting or legal contexts.
Use commas to separate multiple email recipients in a message. By default, Outlook uses semicolons, but you can change the divider to commas if you wish. Unless you have permanently deleted a message, Outlook retains all the messages from a particular sender in a folder. Use this feature to quickly find them for reference. If Outlook remembers an email address you mistyped or if you want to get rid of an outdated name, clear unwanted entries from the auto-complete list that appears when you type an email address in the To field.
Recover messages, your address book, calendar, and other essential Outlook data from a backup copy. Restore this important email information from a saved version of your PST file. If you receive emails from a specific sender that you need to file away for future reference, set up Outlook to send those messages to a specific folder as soon as they are received.
Start with a message, then set up an Outlook filter to automatically move all of the sender’s future emails to a particular folder. Do you want to permanently delete a message forever in Outlook but not empty the Deleted Items folder? Learn how to recover deleted Outlook emails. Search the text in a message in Outlook to find a specific word or phrase. If you receive an email with multiple attachments, don’t save them individually. Instead, save all files attached to an email to a folder at once.
When you want unread messages to stand out, highlight unread mail in Outlook using special fonts, colors, and more. Set your default reply-to address for an email account in Outlook.
This technique is useful when you receive emails from several email addresses associated with the same account. If you categorize your contacts, turn your Outlook contacts into elegant, flexible, and stable mailing lists by using categories instead of distribution lists. When you want to send a file along with your email using Microsoft Outlook, attach the file to the email message. When you delete an email in Outlook with certain kinds of accounts, the deleted message may appear grayed out with a line through it.
To permanently erase it, purge the messages marked for deletion in the IMAP folder. To unsubscribe from unwanted mailing lists, you may need to send an email with an old email address you stopped using years ago.