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Instead, we will discuss how to use journal files to help perform repetitive tasks. We’ll uncover the location of journal files, discuss how to read portions of. Free Revit Journal file Cleaner tool from Dante van Wettum C:Program FilesAutodeskRevit Architecture replace.me It will list a journals. The name of the file should show at the top of Revit not the cache name. BIM TEAM ICON. You will fix this by following the Autodesk Clear a. %LOCALAPPDATA%\Autodesk\Autodesk Sync\Cloud\\, Cloud Sync ; “%USERPROFILE%\BIMTeam\ or. “Autodesk Revit MEP Fabrication Configuration – Metric”, The journal file is located in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit x\Journals.❿
Will you need the Revit file as well? Is this content inappropriate? Message 2 of What is Scribd?❿