Adobe after effects cs6 basic tutorials pdf free
Interactive content and scripted animation are not retained. Note: You can change the name of the composition in After Effects after creating a dynamic link to it from Adobe Premiere Pro. Furthermore, with the new 3D extrusion support, you can extrude artwork. Obsolete effects Both applications allow you to place graphics on separate layers for compositing.❿
Now you can easily call it quits within After Effects! Rob uses the example of creating a paper crumple transition to show off the Digieffects plugin Freeform AE. Who knows… this tutorial might just save your job. The more you get into After Effects, the more you realize how cool it is to bring in stuff from outside the program. This tutorial shows how take a scene from Cinema 4D and bring it over into AE. Using basic AE tools and some expressions you will learn how to create this 3D wall made of custom shapes and a nice laser beam to reveal your text.
In this tutorial, Chad Castleberry will walk you through an all new, updated technique to creating an opening title sequence seen in movies like Superman or The Last Starfighter. Concepts covered: The Echo Effect, simple keyframe animation, and using fractal noise to create an interesting starscape. In this tutorial Mathias shows that corner pin tracking can do much more than just replacing some pictures on a wall. We are going to compose a wound on a moving head and use the Mocha tracker in combination with his script MochaImport.
Trust me, this is so much easier then creating a real head wound! It is all done in After Effects without any third party plug-ins. How to make money using astrology. Where to sell handmade items online. The 6 best Digioh alternatives. ClickUp workflows: A tutorial from an expert user.
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What is the best way to learn Adobe After Effects? Adobe After Effects is one of the more useful places to brush up on After Effects techniques.
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The course includes tutorials that is adjusted for beginner level users which make it easy to learn and actually quite fun and entertaining. Learning has never been so simple and easy. The best part is that our list of computer courses is growing every day.
We know that these useful tutorials are updated and upgraded all the time, so we are adding new courses and tutorials as soon as possible. With this adobe after effect tutorial you will master this important program and increase your chances for getting the job position that you have always wanted! Free tutorials adobe after effect – PDF. After Effects CS5 can import and export FLV files encoded with the On2 VP6 codec: Render and export a composition as an FLV or F4V file When you drag a completed output module to a folder in the Project panel, you import the output file or files into that folder: Output modules and output module settings Double-click a footage item in the Project panel to open it in a Footage viewer.
Alt-double-click Windows or Option-double-click Mac OS a footage item in the Project panel to open the source file in the media player assigned for that file type by the operating system. Press Enter on the numeric keypad to open selected footage items in a Footage viewer. The behavior in previous versions was less predictable and more complex, and was limited to specific media players: View footage item in the Footage panel or media player assigned by operating system Layers and properties changes Added Divide and Subtract blending modes: Blending mode reference The Label Colors and Label Defaults preferences categories have been combined into one Labels preference category.
Null Object and Text items have been added to the Label Defaults section, and a new label color control Dark Green has been added in the 16th position. In After Effects CS5, the default center cut action-safe margin is Page: 14 corner of each view such as Top or Right to indicate which view is associated with which camera perspective.
To hide these labels, choose Show 3D Labels from the Composition panel menu: Choose a 3D view When you click the Current Time control in the upper-left corner of the Timeline panel, you can now enter a time directly in the box instead of opening the Go To Time dialog box: Move the current-time indicator CTI When you click the Time Navigator in the Timeline panel, the Info panel shows the times of the beginning and end of the Time Navigator duration: Zoom in or out in time for a composition When you click the Work Area bar in the Timeline panel, the Info panel shows the times of the beginning and end of the work area.
This change corresponds with a change in gamma from 1. Use the corresponding tools to apply the effects: Paint tools: Brush, Clone Stamp, and Eraser and Animating with Puppet tools The histogram in the Levels effect provides the option to see individual color channels in context with other color channels, as well as showing color channels as colorized: Levels effect The Alpha Levels effect has been removed.
Instead, use the Levels effect, which can be assigned to work only on an alpha channel, has a histogram, and is a bpc effect. Old projects that use the Alpha Levels effect will still open, and you will still be able to modify the Alpha Levels effect properties in these projects: Levels effect The Vector Paint effect has been removed. Compositions created with a previous version of After Effects that use the Vector Paint effect will still render, but you will not be able to modify the Vector Paint effect properties in these compositions.
Instead, use paint tools and shape layers: Drawing, painting, and paths Font preview support the Show Font option has been removed from the Basic Text, Path Text, and Numbers effects. Even if a property of an effect is selected, the effect itself not just the selected properties visible in the Timeline panel will be copied. The start-up time for the background processes used in Render Multiple Frames Simultaneously multiprocessing is also reduced.
Plug-ins, scripts, and automation changes Esc key interrupts a running script: Loading and running scripts After Effects CS5 can load and run only bit plug-ins, not bit plug-ins: Plug-ins Pixel Bender Toolkit 2. The dialog box contained an option for using RLE run-length encoding. This option is now Page: 16 always on. Remaining are color depth options for Colors 8-bpp color , Millions Of Colors 8-bpc , Trillions Of Colors bpc , and Floating Point bpc : Output modules and output module settings Removed overflow volumes feature.
Changed Segment Movie Files At preference to Segment Video-only Movie Files At preference: Segment settings Removed some fractional audio sample rates and ability to set audio sample rate to an arbitrary, custom value in output module settings.
These changes are for Mac OS only. For a complete list of keyboard shortcuts, see Keyboard shortcuts. Rolling the mouse scroll wheel zooms in this context: Scroll or zoom with the mouse wheel Page: 17 Many dialog boxes now have a Preview option that allows you to see the results of changes before you close the dialog box. In the Project, Render Queue, and Effect Controls panels, you can use the arrow keys to expand or collapse groups.
Several more features now operate on the visible viewer in ETLAT mode, including keyboard shortcuts for toggling grids, toggling guides, showing channels, working with snapshots, and sending a preview to an external video monitor: Edit this, look at that ETLAT and locked Composition viewers Changed some user interface strings to make their meaning and function more clear.
This option is now always on. Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy Page: 18 After Effects getting started tutorials To learn more, view these recommended resources online. After Effects CS6: what’s new and changed Apr. Page: 21 Planning and setup To the top Planning your work Planning for playback on computer monitors and mobile devices Cross-platform project considerations Planning your work Correct project settings, preparation of footage, and initial composition settings can help you to avoid errors and unexpected results when rendering your final output movie.
The best way to ensure that your movie is suitable for a specific medium is to render a test movie and view it using the same type of equipment that your audience will use to view it.
Aharon Rabinowitz provides an article on the Creative COW website about planning your project with the final delivery specifications in mind. For a video tutorial on creating and organizing projects, go to the Adobe website. You can use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator to create storyboards. You can use Adobe Story to collaboratively write and manage screenplays. Adobe Story also converts information from a screenplay into XMP metadata that can automate the creation of shooting scripts, shot lists, and more.
Acquiring, choosing, and preparing footage Before importing footage, first decide which media and formats you’ll use for your finished movies, and then determine the best settings for your source material. For example, if you want an image to fill your composition frame, configure the image in Adobe Photoshop so that the image size and pixel aspect ratio match the composition size and pixel aspect ratio.
See Pixel aspect ratio and frame aspect ratio. Consider using Adobe OnLocation while shooting footage to make sure that you get the most out of your time and footage. If possible, use uncompressed footage or footage encoded with lossless compression.
Lossless compression means better results for many operations, such as keying and motion tracking. Certain kinds of compression—such as the compression used in DV encoding—are especially bad for color keying, because they discard the subtle differences in color that you depend on for good bluescreen or greenscreen keying. See Keying introduction and resources. See Frame rate. For example, if you know that you want to animate using motion tracking, consider shooting your scene in a manner that optimizes for motion tracking—for example, using tracking markers.
See Motion tracking workflow. David Van Brink shows an excellent example on his omino pixel blog of why shooting in a high-definition format is useful even for standard- definition delivery, because the extra pixels give you a lot of room for synthetic fake camera work, such as zooms and pans in post-production. Page: 22 To the top Project settings Project settings fall into three basic categories: how time is displayed in the project, how color data is treated in the project, and what sampling rate to use for audio.
Of these settings, the color settings are the ones that you need to think about before you do much work in your project, because they determine how color data is interpreted as you import footage files, how color calculations are performed as you work, and how color data is converted for final output. See Color management and Timecode and time display units. If you enable color management for your project, the colors that you see are the same colors that your audience will see when they view the movie that you create.
Note: Click the color depth indicator at the bottom of the Project panel to open the Project Settings dialog box. Alt-click Windows or Option-click Mac OS to cycle through color bit depths: 8 bpc, 16 bpc, and 32 bpc.
See Color depth and high dynamic range color. Composition settings After you prepare and import footage items, you use these footage items to create layers in a composition, where you animate and apply effects. When you create a composition, specify composition settings such as resolution, frame size, and pixel aspect ratio for your final rendered output.
For example, the composition frame size should be the image size in the playback medium. See Composition settings. Later, you can use output modules in the Render Queue panel to encode and export a separate version of the composition for each format. See Output modules and output module settings. Performance, memory, and storage considerations If you work with large compositions, make sure that you configure After Effects and your computer to maximize performance.
Complex compositions can require a large amount of memory to render, and the rendered movies can take a large amount of disk space to store. Before you attempt to render a three-hour movie, make sure that you have the disk space available to store it. See Storage requirements for output files.
If your source footage files are on a slow disk drive or across a slow network connection , then performance will be poor. When possible, keep the source footage files for your project on a fast local disk drive. Planning for playback on computer monitors and mobile devices When you create a movie for playback on a personal computer—whether downloaded from the Web or played from a CD-ROM—specify composition settings, render settings, and output module settings that keep file size low.
Consider that a movie with a high data rate may not play well from an older CD-ROM drive that cannot read data from the disc fast enough. Similarly, a large movie may take a long time to download over a dial-up network connection. When rendering your final movie, choose a file type and encoder appropriate for the final media.
The corresponding decoder must be available on the system used by your intended audience; otherwise they will not be able to play the movie. Trish and Chris Meyer provide an article on the Artbeats website that describes some of the considerations for creating video for the Web.
Because the amount of storage disk space and processor power are less for mobile phones than for personal computers, file size and data rate for movies must be even more tightly controlled.
Screen dimensions, video frame rates, and color gamuts vary greatly from one mobile device to another. Adobe Device Central contains device profiles that provide information about these characteristics. See Create compositions for playback on mobile devices. Use these tips when shooting video for mobile devices: Tight shots are better. Light your subjects well, and keep them separated from the background; the colors and brightness values between background and subject should not be too similar.
Avoid excessive zooming and rolling, which hinder temporal compression schemes. Page: 23 To the top Because stable non-shaky video is easier to compress, shoot video with a tripod to minimize the shaking of the camera. Avoid using auto-focus and auto-exposure features. When these features engage, they change the appearance of all of the pixels in an image from one frame to the next, making compression using interframe encoding schemes less efficient.
Use these tips when working in After Effects: Use a lower frame rate fps for mobile devices. Use motion-stabilization tools and noise-reduction or blur effects before rendering to final output, to aid the compressor in reducing file size. Match the color palette to the mobile devices that you are targeting.
Mobile devices, in general, have a limited color gamut. Previewing in Adobe Device Central can help determine if the colors used are optimal for an individual device or range of devices. Consider using cuts and other fast transitions instead of zooming in and out or using fades and dissolves. Fast cuts also make compression easier. Cross-platform project considerations After Effects project files are compatible with Mac OS and Windows operating systems, but some factors—mostly regarding the locations and naming of footage files and support files—can affect the ease of working with the same project across platforms.
If the footage and the project are on different volumes, make sure that the appropriate volume is mounted before opening the project and that network volume names are the same on both systems. Use the Collect Files feature to gather copies of all the files in a project into a single folder. You can then move the folder containing the copied project to the other platform. See Collect files in one location.
File-naming conventions Name your footage and project files with the appropriate filename extensions, such as. If files will be used on the Web, be sure that filenames adhere to applicable conventions for extensions and paths.
Supported file types Some file types are supported on one platform but not another. See Supported import formats and Supported output formats. Resources Ensure that all fonts, effects, codecs, and other resources are available on both systems. Such resources are often plug-ins. However, some third-party effects and other third-party plug-ins may not continue to operate, even if you have versions of these plug-ins on the target system.
In such cases, you may need to reapply some third-party effects. Installing the software Before installing Adobe After Effects software, review complete system requirements and recommendations in the Read Me file.
The Read Me file is on the installation disc, as well as being included in the Release Notes document available through the After Effects support section of the Adobe website. For assistance with installation issues, see the Creative Suite Help and Support section on the Adobe website.
In addition to the full version of Adobe After Effects, you can also install additional copies on additional computers to use as After Effects render engines to assist with network rendering. You install render engines in the same manner as the full version of the application. This means that you can import and export to all of the supported file formats using the trial version. Keylight is included, however. If your installation of After Effects is missing some third-party components, contact your system administrator to ensure that all licensed components have been installed correctly.
For more information about limitations of the trial version for After Effects CS5. For example, mocha for After Effects, some effect plug-ins, and some codecs for encoding and decoding MPEG formats are available only with the full version of Adobe After Effects software. For more information about limitations of the trial version for After Effects CS5, see the Adobe website. After Effects CS5 and later is a bit application After Effects CS5 and later is a bit application, so it can only run on bit operating systems.
To activate the CS4 versions of these applications, you must use a separate serial number. For assistance, contact Adobe Customer Service. For more information about installing and activating the bit applications, see the Adobe website. Activate the software Activation is a simple, anonymous process. After installation, your Adobe software attempts to contact Adobe to complete the license activation process. No personal data is transmitted.
A single-user retail license activation supports two computers. For example, you can install the software on a desktop computer at work and on a laptop computer at home. For more information on product licensing and activation, see the Read Me file or go to the Adobe website. Page: 26 Workflows To the top General workflow in After Effects Basic workflow tutorial: Create a simple movie General workflow in After Effects Overview of general workflow in After Effects Whether you use Adobe After Effects to animate a simple title, create complex motion graphics, or composite realistic visual effects, you generally follow the same basic workflow, though you may repeat or skip some steps.
For example, you may repeat the cycle of modifying layer properties, animating, and previewing until everything looks right. You may skip the step of importing footage if you intend to create graphical elements entirely in After Effects. Import and organize footage After you create a project, import your footage into the project in the Project panel. After Effects automatically interprets many common media formats, but you can also specify how you want After Effects to interpret attributes such as frame rate and pixel aspect ratio.
You can view each item in a Footage panel and set its start and end times to fit your composition. For more information, see Importing and interpreting footage items. Create, arrange, and composite layers in a composition Create one or more compositions. Any footage item can be the source for one or more layers in a composition.
You can arrange the layers spatially in the Composition panel or arrange them in time using the Timeline panel. You can stack layers in two dimensions or arrange them in three dimensions. You can use masks, blending modes, and keying tools to composite combine , the images of multiple layers.
and PDF files after you import them into After Effects CS6. Furthermore, with the new Free sample video tutorials from After Effects CS5: Learn By Video. In this training course for Adobe After Effects CS6, an expert trainer introduces you to this powerful, non-linear visual effects software from Adobe. This book includes. 12 self-paced lessons that let you discover essential skills and explore the new features and capabilities of After Effects CS6 on either a. IT & Software – Adobe After Effects CS6: Complete Course from Novice to Pro · Course Description · After Effects CS6 Tutorial – – Advanced Light Options Part. Free! Download the new book, “Motion Graphics in After Effects that Speaks to Your Brain” — and learn how to best use Adobe AE and create.❿