Microsoft office 2010 keeps reinstalling free
You should watch the scan to see the microsoft office 2010 keeps reinstalling free at источник end of the scan. Rhys Gibson Rhys Gibson 4, 3 3 gold badges 40 40 silver badges 45 45 bronze badges. It’s perfect! Step 7b : If you receive the Installation Options window that shows all of the Office products either on the PC or on the installation disk, make sure the trial software programs have a red X by reinstallinh. It was all working fine for a few weeks. MS Office Pro seems to work well on my Mint Is there a true jeeps out there somewhere?❿
Super User is a microsoft practice 2016 free and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I’ve just installed Office Professional Plus upgrading microsoft office 2010 keeps reinstalling free Office It works fine under my admin reinsfalling, but when I login with microsoft office 2010 keeps reinstalling free wifes non-admin account, every time I open a document or start an app Word, Excel, Publisher Office goes through its configuration process starting the the standard install microsoft office 2010 keeps reinstalling free and then running the bootstrap process before it loads the app – which wastes minutes.
Once it’s done this, the app runs fine and I can make mcirosoft changes that are remembered when it restarts, but I can’t work out why it thinks it needs to configure the app each time.
MS Answers recommend the following suggestions:. Peform a “repair” on your Windows installation and the Office installation although in the context of the linked discussion they were talking about Windows 7, not XP. Re-install Office including hints about how to remove Office completely first. There are a number of other forums with similar problems.
The issue I had seems to be registry related. Others have solved the problem by completely removing previous versions of Office using the Office clean up microosft and reinstalling. The thread that DMA pointed to contains the full story. In my case, I suspect some registry permissions were not left in a state that Office was expecting e. The solution is available here. Looking into the Event Viewer after a failed startup gave me a list of events for the MsiInstaller.
Messages and gave reunstalling about which registry keys were causing the problem. In the cases listed, it seems to be to do with the permissions on the various file type keys e.
Giving non-admin users read access to these keys, sub-keys and values and ensuring that they are owned by an Administrator fixed the problem. Note: The real answer is to rebuild the box and reinstall the OS too. Too many interactions between Office and Windows registry components. I know this is an old post but I had the configuration issue for days and did not find an answer that worked for me so I would like to offer my experience in case there is someone на этой странице me looking for an answer.
I installed office pro and visio pro on a new 64 bit windows 7 system. It was all working fine for a few weeks. I installed it and kept since did not include Visio and I use it a lot. Not long after I noticed the issue with configuration running every time Visio and only Visio started. Annoying as heck because it would run even 2100 I had one instance running already and opened another with rfee different drawing!
After days looking for an answer I decided it had something больше информации do with the Adobe mircosoft running on Visio. Solution – uninstalled both visio and adobe. Reinstalled Adobe first and got updates had to reset system clock to Oct 1, to get updates!?
I have the similar problem, read and tried all sort of recommendations, none of them fix the problem. According источник the log, some how you do not have the administrative right even you are logged in as administrator. I finally, fixed it for good: Created shortcuts from the “installed folder” and send to the Desktop. Just go to the program folder and create new shortcuts for winword.
These shortcuts will run the program without any problem. You can then microsoft office 2010 keeps reinstalling free these shortcuts to replace all other existing shortcuts to those microsoft office 2010 keeps reinstalling free in your start menu and other places, although that might not even be necessary if you’re lucky.
Sign microsoft office 2010 keeps reinstalling free to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the microsoft office 2010 keeps reinstalling free. Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Reinstallinb a free Team Why Teams?
Learn more about Teams. Office always reconfiguring itself on startup Ask Question. Asked 12 years, 3 months ago. ,eeps 7 years, 3 months ago. Microzoft 35k times. Any thoughts? Improve this question.
Rhys Gibson. Rhys Gibson Rhys Gibson 4, 3 3 gold взято отсюда 41 41 silver badges 45 45 bronze badges. Maybe just once! Might be they need to do something that doesn’t stick, and by allowing it to be an admin for one run could get the final config stages finalised? I agree with DMA – It’s probably a читать полностью issue microsoft office 2010 keeps reinstalling free her account that can’t write to the appropriate system folder or registry entry.
Definitely related to this. I switched her account over and it works fine. But when I switch it back to non-admin, I get the same behaviour back again. Tried it microsoft office 2010 keeps reinstalling free another account with the same outcome.
Process Microeoft shows me that it is installing components and running the. NET 3. Add a comment. Sorted by: Reset to default. Highest score default Date modified newest first Date created oldest first. OK, have had a little bit of a hunt MS Answers recommend the following suggestions: Peform a “repair” on your Windows installation and the Office installation although in the context of the linked discussion they were talking about Windows 7, not XP.
Check you don’t have multiple version of Office installed. Improve this answer. Still no joy. The clean ups definitely removed a bunch of stuff and I did a offuce of a registry massacre looking for references to old Office versions, but with no luck. This link: social. Monitoring the event viewer and looking for events and читать полностью MsiInstaller gives specifics about the registry keys that are causing the problem.
Rhys since you’ve found a precise answer, you can add that information as a separate answer to your own question, and then tick it off as correct. This will make it easier for others with the same problem to find the solution in the future. Restarted продолжение здесь then reinstalled Visio.
Everything working beautifully : Sketchup pro 2019 pdf free this helps someone! Margomania Margomania 21 1 1 bronze badge. Enjoy it, no more reconfiguration again. Dave Click Properties. On the Compatibility tab run Compatibility Troubleshooter. Then apply the fix. I say Reinstate Monica Zek Zek 11 1 1 bronze badge. Welcome to Super User! Can you be more specific about how to “run the Compatibility Troubleshooter?
Fixed this problem It is dangerous to mess around with permissions like that, unless you know exactly what you are doing. The administrator account is all-powerful in Windows, if something subverts any of those programs, you’d be thoroughly 0wn3d or whatever ‘leet speak is in use for that nowadays.
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Use the bit memory in Windows · At some point, follow what Windows 10 directs you when installing Microsoft Office such as when it. In theory, any one of the following tips should work. The process is: run one of the fixes, run each affected Office app, reboot TWICE (sorry, I. Running Win 10 from Win 7. I installed Microsoft Office over a year ago. If I go to open Microsoft Word it wants to go through setup again.❿